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Southern hub takes shape: competence centers project includes Openwork

Work is proceeding on the Polo del Sud, the competence center for Industry 4.0 formed by eight universities from Puglia and Campania and companies from the two regions: those from Puglia include Openwork.

The Hub's activities will revolve around different sectors: automotive, aerospace, agriculture, pharmaceuticals. Coordinating the activities in Puglia will be the Politecnico di Bari, which will also have to link collaborations with Confindustria and the Digital Innovation Hubs in the area.
The Hub will not have two distinct 'souls,' one from Puglia and the other from Campania, but a slight differentiation will be inevitable depending on the companies that will collaborate. As many as 48 companies, including large and medium-sized ones, many of which are already involved in collaborative projects with the Politecnico (such as the BPM Competence Center launched with Openwork), have proposed their membership.

Underlying the South Pole is the same mission as all the planned competence centers: to promote technology transfer to businesses, targeting SMEs in particular, to harmonize the skills acting in the area. The three functions under the call are training, guidance and research projects.

In charge of the universities will be training, while for guidance there will be the involvement of the private sector, which will be able to identify the opportunities and innovation needs of the specific reality and figure out where to find the required skills.
Finally, there are research projects, which are developed in collaboration between universities and the private sector.

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