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Career Appointment: ICT eCareer Day 2020

"ICT eCareer Day 2020" is the online event organized by the teaching council of the University of Salento's Information Engineering degree program to create a real meeting point between companies operating in the ICT sector and students, prospective students, undergraduates, graduates, faculty and researchers.

An appointment that Openwork, which has always been committed to collaborating with research centers and universities, could not miss.

The event will be held on June 5 from 09:00 to 14:00; click here to download the full program.

Below we also report links to follow the sessions:



Microsoft Openwork Event MILAN
Digitalizzare processi aziendali in poche ore: abbiamo mostrato.

Si è concluso “BOOST YOUR DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION”, l’evento del 5 aPRILE tenutosi alla Microsoft House di Milano; all’incontro hanno partecipato differenti organizzazioni.

Digitalizzare aiuta a vendere di più: parola delle.

Maggiori sono le tecnologie digitali adottate da un’azienda, maggiori sono le quote di mercato conquistabili:è questo il parere espresso dalle imprese leader.