Jamio cloud platform lowcode nocode


Jamio Plugs are components available in the Openwork Paas Jamio that expose ancillary functionality related to specific uses or application domains. Openwork uses the following vendors to provide these external services:
  • Direct7 Networks, from which it acquires services to send SMS messages, generate and send OTP codes via SMS; see https://d7networks.com/terms/ for terms of supply.
  • MessageBird, from which it acquires services to send and receive text messages, generate and send transactional OTP codes, validate cell phone numbers; for privacy and GDPR regulations see https://www.messagebird.com/en/legal/privacy
  • Stripe, from which it acquires services to arrange electronic payments and consultation on the Client's Stripe account; for privacy and GDPR regulations see https://stripe.com/it/privacy
  • Unimatica, from which it acquires services to initiate in Digital Preservation to the Norms for computerized documents; for regulations related to privacy and GDPR see https://www.unimaticaspa.it/it/gdpr
  • Comped, from which it acquires services for the insertion of a digital signature and time stamp that complies with legal requirements; for privacy and GDPR regulations see https://cloud.compedservizi.it/verifica/Privacy2018.html
Rev 1.7 dated 5/23/2023