We were pioneers when back in 1999 we asked the questionof how to enable any organization to independently develop business process governance applications that could be easily adapted to multiple organizational situations. A question at the time that was fascinating but not yet urgent: The Internet was in the early days of its boom, Google had just been founded, cell phones were only for talking, and innovation was not traveling at the frenetic pace of today.
We could still afford to develop applications in a traditional and expensive way, counting on their slow obsolescence. It was on the push of that demand that in 2002 we approached the world of workflow and became producers, first in Italy, of a platform still used today by more than 500 companies and public administrations. We were incredulous and euphoric when the IT Manager of the Rosen (now Engie) power plant in Rosignano Solvay decided to adopt the Openwork platform to manage some business processes and respond to some needs that SAP was unable to meet. We had hit the jackpot and, shortly thereafter, in 2004, we would concretize our work with the formulation of our first BPM.
Nearly 20 years later, information technologies are everywhere, the incredible speed with which connections are made and information is propagated between people, software systems and now objects is completely redefining societỳ and the economy. Technological innovation no longer propagates from businesses to people (the computer was envisioned for business use and then was massively adopted by individuals), but starts from people to reach businesses. In this scenario, organizations and their managers are under increasing pressure to adapt processes to ever-changing business needs and the demands of users who must meet increasingly challenging goals.
Those in charge of governing an organization's IT infrastructure, having to reconcile speed, agility and control, seem to be running in a race in which the finish line is moved further and further ahead: to win, one must be faster than the person moving the finish line. As if to exorcise the phenomenon, attempts are being made to circumscribe it by coining new terms such as Bimodal-IT or Citizen development. Terms that dovetail with the question Openwork has posed at the heart of its mission, now as relevant as ever. Governing business processes no longer means structuring, monitoring and making efficient the exchange of information between people in an organization: it means, rather, governing complexity in a world in which the organization increasingly identifies a set of internal and external agents, i.e., people, other organizations, services, processes, objects. What is needed, then, is a new approach to information systems: no longer a set of monolithic applications but a set of highly specialized services that can be orchestrated in a structured and centralized manner or even, freely, by the users themselves, albeit in a controlled environment. New methodologies and technologies such as Intelligent Business Process Management System (iBPMS), Case Management, and Adaptive Integration have been developed precisely to support these scenarios.
In recent years we have invested so much in research and development trying to integrate and abstract complexity for the benefit of organizations and the Citizen Developer. Thus we have created the Jamio openwork application development platform whose name is inspired by the jam session. Just as when a group of musicians with their different instruments meet without rehearsing and manage to produce pleasant and engaging sounds, so with Jamio openwork we have integrated and abstracted complexity and technologies for the benefit of the Citizen Developer.
Jamio openwork is much more than a BPM platform: it is a tool that enables organizations in transiting to a new information system model towards the Extended Enterprise. Once again, almost two decades later, we feel like pioneers and proud bearers of an all-Italian innovative way of doing things.
Editorial by:
Salvatore Latronico - Openwork CEO
Why choosing a Magazine in Openwork
Although today communication knows, thanks to social media, new horizons, for a manufacturer it is important to maintain a direct thread with all stakeholders through an authoritative and interesting institutional tool. It is only right that the tens of thousands of people who use Openwork technology every day should have the opportunity to experience firsthand the fact that behind that "intangible technology" there are people at work who, with passion, effort, study, research, and dedication, have been working for years to materialize a challenge that is truly borderline: to change the way we approach the development of software solutions until we reach a development zero code. This is what theOpenwork company managed to do by bringing its new Jamio openwork product to market, making it accessible as a service in cloud, so as a Platform As A Service.
Issue after issue we will discover that behind the cloud, that is, behind a managed service, there is a structured organization, organized like a "classic" industry. Because while it is true that cloud is synonymous with "elusive, intangible," there are actually a lot of people and a lot of "materiality" behind it: just think of the infrastructure on which the services "run," the Software Engineering team that fine-tunes them, the Product Management team that draws the evolutionary roadmap, the people who govern the delivery of services by guaranteeing the SLA, the Program Manag ers and Project Managers engaged in the development of the many Jamio openwok projects, and finally the Customer Service that ensures constant assistance and support to the entire customer base.
Not to mention the 'Sales & Marketing' team, which positions product and projects in the market, and the 'Administration, Finance and Control' team engaged in sourcing the resources that feed the entire machine.
All this is Openwork today: for you, for your work.
Want to get to know us better? Contact us here.
The difference is in the how: here is a demonstration video
Jamio is the platform for building and publishing Model Driven applications for Business Process Management by responding quickly to market demands.
The real innovation is in HOW you approach application development: let's find out together in this short interview with Martin Arborea, Sales & Marketing Director of Openwork.
Watch the interview:
New Jamio openwork version 4.5: find out what you can do!
In July 2018, version 4.5 of the Jamio openwork platform will be released to improve your work and that of your organization.
With the new version you will be able to:
- Build much simpler, more functional and attractive document management solutions with new components that manage galleries and previews.
- Realize solutions or enrich existing solutions with new services for PEC and mail management.
- Easier toengage employees and mobile users with the new APP with revised interface.
- Easier integration of Jamio openwork solutions into information systems thanks to new REST APIs.
And much more...
Manufacturing: the Base Protection success case
How to reorganize the people working in a rapidly expanding company? How to simplify interactions with each other, including overcoming obstacles due to the relocation of staff to multiple locations far apart, ensure secure information sharing, and facilitate collaboration between departments? And again, how to monitor activities, integrate the various business systems in use, and generally optimize processes? These were the nodes that, in 2015, Base Protection of Barletta (BAT), a company specializing in the production and marketing of defatiguing work shoes, had to address to sustain its business development and optimize human and economic resources.
At that time, there was already talk of digitization and 'smart manufacturing,' but Industry 4.0 incentives had not yet been launched and attention to these issues was not yet so high. The company decided, therefore, to ride on the technological innovations already available and boldly exploit them to redesign its new product design and industrialization processes. The perfect match of the solutions developed by Openwork to all those problems did the rest. Thus was born the collaborative project between Base Protection and Openwork founded on the Jamio openwork BPM platform, used in the cloud, which reshaped, optimized and facilitated the development of the production activities of the Barletta-based company. The results obtained were obvious: Base Protection significantly reduced the time of the product pre-industrialization phase, the timeframes for managing overdrafts by 80 percent and product certification costs by 20 percent, zeroed e-mail traffic for managing returns, and digitized numerous processes by eliminating unnecessary costs. All without drastically intervening in an established organization but, on the contrary, adapting a technology to people's needs. The company thus started that process of transformation into a '4.0' reality by beginning to solve the most urgent problems that threatened to hold back its growth and, in time, expanding the company's reorganization to other areas not initially involved in its 'digital revolution.
"The use of resources in the cloud, said Iñigo Perez Corella, president of Base Protection. - was a first step toward the transformation of our industry into a 4.0 manufacturing reality. With our partner we wanted to increase the competitiveness of manufacturing through digital. Doing innovation with smart technologies allowed us to gain a competitive advantage in the market, to create value on the territory and at the same time to have the best professionalism without distance limits. This is the great opportunity of Cloud technology: to expand the choices of employees to achieve product excellence."
According to Daniela Stolfi and Domenico Farano, sales & marketing director and ICT manager of Base Protection, respectively., "the story of Base Protection and how it was able to solve the problems associated with the company's fast growth through a rethinking of organizational and business processes is a fine example of the use of digital technologies. We now have better management of overdrafts, laboratory testing, and product development. We plan to continue the path of reorganization and use of the platform for other important activities as well, including the involvement of partners/suppliers in business processes."
Tell us how processes are organized in your company to check the adaptability of the Jamio openwork platform, write to us here
Openwork and Sigla Group: together to talk Innovation-Friendly and Business Process Management
On June 14, 2018 at 1 7 at NH Collection Marina in Genoa we expect you at our AperInnovation to talk about fast, sustainable and non-invasive digital innovation.
We will talk about Innovation-Friendly together with the experience made by Duferco Energia that, thanks to Gruppo Sigla, is implementing Jamio openwork solutions in cloud achieving several benefits on productivity and successfully adapting to the changes imposed by the market. More info about the event >>
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