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ICT Career Day Unisalento Openwork

Career Appointment: ICT eCareer Day 2021

"ICT eCareer Day 2021" is the online event organized by theUniversity of Salento to create a real meeting point between companies operating in the ICT sector and students, future students, undergraduates, graduates, teachers and researchers. An event that Openwork, which has always been committed to collaborating with research centers and universities, could not miss.

The event will take place online March 29-30 from 8:30 a.m.; click here to download the full program.

As for registration for the event, it will be possible to do so from day 22 through the following link:

Instead, below are links to participate in the live broadcast:


SAVE THE DATE: il 14 Dicembre su FlyTv.

Una chiacchierata su tecnologie, scenari di sviluppo per le città e miglioramenti per la vita dell’uomo: è il contenuto della 48^ puntata.

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