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Jamio openwork at the Aruba 2023 Summit

Openwork at Community Summit 2023 dedicated to Aruba business partners

November 27, 2023

Jamio openwork at the Aruba 2023 Summit

"Business Community Summit" is the event dedicated to all Aruba Business Partners.
An interesting networking moment scheduled on Tuesday, November 28 at the ARUBA Auditorium in Ponte San Pietro (BG ) in which Alessandro Cortese (IT Director & Cloud Architect) will take part representing Openwork, among the Aruba Business Partners invited to the event.

The format, whose theme focuses on the digitization of SMEs, focuses attention on the work done behind the scenes by Aruba on a daily basis, with insights into the increasingly high-tech technologies to continue to support partner companies, as well as the digital giant's upcoming goals.

The event will also be an opportunity to learn more about Aruba's datacenters with a planned visit, at the close of the meeting, to the Global Cloud Datacenter (powered by 100 percent renewable energy sources) and on which Openwork itself rests the foundations of some important services, to guarantee its customers maximum security and stability of the BPM Jamio cloud platform.


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