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Openwork nocode lowcode UNITO

20th ItAIS Conference: Openwork & UNITO for the popularization of no-code to support business processes

October 18, 2023

The 20th convention of the Italian Chapter of the Association for Information Systems ( AIS) was held Oct. 13 and 14 at the University of Turin.

Openwork, accomplice to its recent collaboration with UNITO aimed at the study, dissemination and application of emerging technologies for business growth and development, took part in the conference dedicated to the topics no-code and artificial intelligence to support management processes.

A topic, that of no-code, considered today a revolution in the world of technology that is opening new doors for innovation and the democratization of IT. This was explained by Philip Vitale, Head of Learning Academy at Openwork who, during his intervention in the panel, focused attention not only on the benefits of the no-code approach but also on the emerging figure of the Citizen Developer, a key figure in the context capable, therefore, of developing enterprise software without knowledge of programming languages.

The event, organized by theAccounting and Accountability Technology Association and the AI Aware project of the University of Turin, was also an opportunity for Openwork and UNITO itself to promote the Short Master's program dedicated to young ITS undergraduates and graduates that provides for the training, precisely, of Italy's first certified "Citizen Developers."


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