Jamio cloud platform lowcode nocode
Innovation friendly jamio openwork

AperInnovation in Genoa: success stories presented with the Innovation-Friendly approach

Simple and successful digital transformations by Base Protection and Duferco Energia with Jamio platform presented at 'Innovation-friendly' event in Genoa

Presented at the 'Innovation-friendly' event in Genoa two simple and successful stories of digital transformation thanks to Openwork's BPM Jamio platform.
In the first case, the introduction of the platform supported the development of Base Protection of Barletta, a manufacturer of defatiguing work shoes, which experienced a 140 percent growth in turnover between 2013 and 2017.
The technology has speeded up and simplified the management of customer custody (which has gone from five days to one) and the development phase of new products (which now takes three months as opposed to eight in the past), improved the procedures for returns, and halved the time for drafting all the necessary documentation.

In the second case, the same technology enabled the Genoa-based multi-utility Duferco Energia (150,000 customers, more than 1 billion in sales in 2017, up 25 percent over 2016) to reconsider PEC in an innovative way by freeing it from the individual operator who manages it and making it more closely aligned with its needs.

In Duferco today, PEC is useful both for overall process control and for ensuring security from an operational, economic and financial point of view. Again, there are numerous benefits achieved by the company: centralized process management, reduction of training hours and number of technologies used, and optimization of supplier and contract management.


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