Jamio cloud platform lowcode nocode
Jamio Community Day 2023 Bari Apulia

Jamio Community Day 2023: pictures from the event at the Grande Albergo delle Nazioni in Bari, Italy

June 13, 2023

On Friday, June 9, 2023, the first Jamio Community Day was held at the Grande Albergo delle Nazioni in the heart of Bari's waterfront.

The format, opened this year, is an important moment of discussion that will be repeated over time with all Jamio stakeholders involved in the topic of no-code and Business Transformation, in order to understand together difficulties and opportunities originated by market changes.

In recent years, in fact, the evolution of technologies has opened avenues toward new software development models that greatly simplify the process of creating applications, reducing the dependence on programming languages.
A trend that leads the ICT and management consulting market to question a future that is becoming increasingly present and to focus, above all, on a topic that captures the attention of many: the development of business applications with low-code and no-code approaches.

We talked about this at Jamio Community Day together with Giovanni Vanini, Director at PwC Italia, Intelligent Automation Expert, introducing, in the first part of the event, low-code/no-code approaches for rapid orchestration of business processes.
In the second session, ample space was given to a panel discussion dedicated to the sudden changes in the market, as well as to the lack of IT skills and the emergence of the figure of the Citizen Developer to support no-code technologies.

The panel discussion was attended by Ilario Benetti, CEO of Apex, Massimo Appiotti, Executive Partner OXYGY (Bird&Bird group), Cristiano Iollo, CEO of Unica, Marco Re, Business Process Adviser and PM in Aldia, Silvio Totaro, Head of Sales at Experis Italia (ManpowerGroup)

Space will also be given to some success stories enabled by Jamio's no-code approach, with the skillful conduct of Jamio Community Day entrusted to Maria Soave, TG1 anchorwoman.

Below are some pictures from the day.


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