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Apulia digital innovation observatory data

Presented the 2018 report on IT development in Apulia and prospects for the future

The Apulia of Information Technology is growing, and especially growing is the data on talents who do not want to migrate from the Apulian territory, about 77 percent.

On December 21, "Internet of skills - the development of IT in Apulia and the skills needed" an event was held in Bari, at the Department of Information Technology, in which the 2018 report on the Apulian IT system made by the District observatory was presented.

The results are encouraging: "The Apulian IT sector is solid, dynamic, growing and far from the clichés that consider it to be engaged, above all, in supplying the PA ," explained the president of the Apulian Information Technology Productive District Salvatore Latronico. " However, an additional effort needs to be made to make the Apulian one perceived as a territory of innovation. This can occur if there is a concrete strategic collaboration between universities, institutions and businesses, the three key players in innovation processes. The implementation of policies to foster the digitalization of the territory and to support the industrialization of innovations, carried out by the consolidated collaboration between businesses and the world of research, could strengthen the local production system and motivate many young people to stay in Puglia. At the same time, in order to improve the match between the two sides on the job market, it is necessary for thedemand for labor from businesses to be more properly targeted and specialized."

The analysis showed that digital in Italy is growing twice as fast as GDP, with a forecast of 2.3 percent steady to 2.8 percent in 2020, thus forecasting a business volume of about 75 billion euros.
But "to foster this growth," commented Anitec-Assinform President Marco Gay, "we need policies that increase the spread of innovation and technology, as was done for Industria 4.0 and Impresa 4.0, which were a great opportunity.

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