Jamio cloud platform lowcode nocode
Aruba Eterprise Jamio openwork partner

"Elastic technology that makes business processes flow." Aruba Enterprise presents Openwork

December 18, 2023

Aruba Eterprise Jamio openwork partner

The mission of Openwork technologies has always focused on the strategic approach to defining and optimizing business processes through visual languages as a replacement for programming languages (no-code approach). In the short time since the launch of the Jamio openwork BPM platform, and the resulting trajectory of growth in data volumes and traffic, the need to partner with increasingly high-performance and secure infrastructure and services, such as those offered by Aruba's Cloud Server, has become evident.

Several years have already passed since the migration of some Jamio platform services to Aruba's Virtual Private Cloud, which, thanks to its ability to remain perfectly aligned with Openwork's needs, enhances the collaboration with Aruba Enterprise by continuing to provide certainty not only on the functional aspect but also from the strategic point of view, therefore, related to the certifications required by different Jamio customers (e.g., public administrations) for compliance with specific conformities.

All of this has been explained at length on enterprise.aruba.it through a case study dedicated to Openwork, its Jamio platform and the certified services of its technology partner Aruba Enteprise, an in-depth study made possible also thanks to the valuable collaboration of Alessandro Cortese, IT & Devops Director at Openwork.


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