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7 new trends of 2021: cloud, PaaS and no-code emerge

Despite the fact that 2021 promises to be more lenient than the past year, several organizations have decided to downsize, no matter what, their business models, as well as renew business processes and trigger profound organizational and technological changes.

Digital transformation, therefore, appears increasingly inevitable as much as it is necessary in order to survive and regain what was lost in 2020 and is strongly oriented toward an integration and/or optimization of enterprise resource planning ( ERP ) systemsin order to continue to meet customer needs while simultaneously competing in a market that is as changeable as it is unpredictable.

While large organizations are upgrading their ERP software, there are smaller companies determined to change pace. Lisa Anderson, president of LMA Consulting Group, also says this: "Smaller companies that may not have implemented ERP are realizing that they will fall behind if they don't get modern ERP systems in place.".

In light of these important innovations, there are 7 trends that will characterize the current year, among them Cloud, PaaS and Low-Code/No-Code emerge, as well as mobility, AI, App store ERP and customer experience.

Sul fronte cloud emerge un significativo aumento di migrazioni e, soprattutto, di consensi da parte dei fornitori ERP , con questi ultimi sempre più orientati e riconoscenti verso le potenzialità offerte dalle piattaforme cloud.
Sulla stessa lunghezza d’onda viaggiano anche l’integrazione PaaS e SaaS, soluzioni in grado di fornire piattaforme globali per la gestione di dati e processi aziendali volte al miglioramento della produttività e infine la possibilità di personalizzare i propri ERP grazie agli approcci Low-code e No-code; i fornitori ERP, infatti, stanno iniziando ad investire in questa direzione per poter offrire prodotti validi in tempi ridotti grazie allo sviluppo di applicativi senza l’utilizzo dei classici linguaggi di programmazione.

With these important changes, we are beginning to see a real shift in the IT landscape toward greater business efficiency, as well as also determining an effective response to the (now well-known) digital skills gap.

Source: CWI.IT



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