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Document workflow

Document workflow in 7 days with the.

From seventy to just seven days? This is the challenge on the timing of implementing a new document workflow, that is, revising a process in a way.

Short master trasformazione digitale processi aziendali Politecnico Openwork Bari

Trasformazione digitale e sostenibile dei processi aziendali:.

10 luglio 2024 Nella cornice dell’iniziativa dei “Patti Territoriali per l’Alta Formazione delle Imprese” sono aperte le selezioni per lo short master “Principi e metodi.

bpm software

BPM software: the best for the needs.

Considering an ever-changing market scenario, where the focus is all on digital transformation to ensure the competitiveness of different production realities, it is.

Short master sul no-code Jamio openwork

Short master sul no-code all’Università di Torino,.

20 febbraio 2024 Come già annunciato qualche mese fa, l’Università di Torino ha inserito nella propria programmazione per l’a.a. 2023-24 un Corso Universitario di Aggiornamento.

no code

No-code: speeding up software development by reducing the.

A No-code solution makes it possible to develop business applications independently even without being an experienced programmer. In fact, in this way, the entire.

Enterprise workflow management

Enterprise workflow management: when the partner does.

Efficient management of business workflows is a strategic asset on which profitable and effective operations are based. It is therefore a priority to make simpler, immediate.

digitization of processes

Process digitization: the benefits of proposing.

Lack of specific expertise too often holds back the digitization of processes: a no-code solution helps bypass this complex situation by focusing on simplicity. È.

business processes

How to improve business processes with a.

Build, customize, modify business applications on your own: by adopting a No-Code platform, you can model business processes even if you have no skills.

bpm companies

BPM companies: why it is critical to choose a.

A technology partner has the important responsibility to support organizations to facilitate their digital transformation. This is where technology and operations come in.

Short master UNITO lowcode nocode Jamio

University of. short master's degree program kicks off.

Nov. 14, 2023The University of Turin is including in its schedule for a.y. 2023-24 a University Professional Development Course entitled "New Frontiers for Bringing Business and.