Jamio cloud platform lowcode nocode

JAMIO OPENWORK | Blog Archives

Short master trasformazione digitale processi aziendali Politecnico Openwork Bari

Trasformazione digitale e sostenibile dei processi aziendali:.

10 luglio 2024 Nella cornice dell’iniziativa dei “Patti Territoriali per l’Alta Formazione delle Imprese” sono aperte le selezioni per lo short master “Principi e metodi.

Roadshow “Aruba Business Partner Day”: Openwork presente.

19 Aprile 2024 "Aruba Business Partner Day" è il format dedicato a tutti i Business Partner di Aruba.L'evento, tenutosi il 18 aprile a Monopoli (BA).

Short master sul no-code Jamio openwork

Short master sul no-code all’Università di Torino,.

20 febbraio 2024 Come già annunciato qualche mese fa, l’Università di Torino ha inserito nella propria programmazione per l’a.a. 2023-24 un Corso Universitario di Aggiornamento.

Jamio openwork on Instagram

Behind the scenes of Jamio openwork and.

26 gennaio 2023 Sentiamo sempre più la necessità di condividere con voi il volto umano della tecnologia di Jamio, presentando il nostro fantastico team, il.

Short master UNITO lowcode nocode Jamio

University of. short master's degree program kicks off.

Nov. 14, 2023The University of Turin is including in its schedule for a.y. 2023-24 a University Professional Development Course entitled "New Frontiers for Bringing Business and.

Digitization of BPM business processes

What is the right time to innovate.

Every business organization must face critical issues and physiological changes in order to continue to compete in the market. When and how do you seize the right moment?.

Cloud software platform business processes

Software or platform? Answers for those who.

Digitization involves the use of fast and effective tools: find out the difference between traditional software and BPM platform for business process automation.

Nocode lowcode BPM software

BPM & No-code: when digital transformation.

Innovating the company is not only about changing tools, but more importantly it is about adopting a different cultural approach to quickly achieve Business goals

Business process optimization and management

Improving process management: from where.

What are the aspects to consider when starting a process digitization plan? Here's what you need to know about practices and tools for a.

bpm companies

BPM companies: why it is critical to choose a.

A technology partner has the important responsibility to support organizations to facilitate their digital transformation. This is where technology and operations come in.