Jamio cloud platform lowcode nocode

Create enterprise-class software applications with a simple and intuitive visual interface

With Jamio's no-code build applications and workflows to manage business processes, without using programming languages

Create enterprise software without using code.
In record time, at an affordable cost.

They chose us


Moving to the cloud makes the organization's work easier and reduces costs

Move applications to an area on the cloud. Harness the power of the cloud and enable your organization to use your solutions remotely.

Bring data to safety

Find out in the insights the details of the infrastructure and security policies adopted

Smart Working Friendly

Allow your organization to work remotely without installing any software

Amortizes costs and thoughts

No servers, everything on Cloud and automatic updates

Limitless integrations: converge people and systems into one platform and boost your business

Integrate people and systems into applications geared to achieve your business goals. Find out in the insights how to make integrations with legacy systems and ERPs by organizing all workflows into one platform. One Platform, Many solutions


Choose a smart and innovative approach to digitizing business processes

Case Management

Exception handling requires tools that are flexible and powerful in their execution

Document Management

Centralizing documents on Cloud means reducing the risk of losing information

Electronic signature

With Jamio you can manage advanced and qualified electronic signature processes


With process automation you accelerate the productivity of individuals and the entire organization


Communications Management

Centralizes and governs the company's communication processes and monitors progress

Artificial intelligence

Leverage Artificial Intelligence components and make your Cloud solutions more efficient

Standard filing

Stores and processes sensitive data properly and GDPR compliance


Extend the functionality of ERP and Legacy systems by adding process logic


Rethink workflows
and turn them into intelligent, repeatable processes

Word to the innovators, like you

Their experience, our guarantee

No-code as your ally in accelerating innovation

Everyone is talking about digital transformation, and to put it into action there is no getting away from speed and effectiveness.

The no-code approach accelerates the development of your plans and triggers a boost to your company's business.

News from the Jamio openwork world

Blog News

Roadshow “Aruba Business Partner Day”: Openwork presente alla prima tappa pugliese


Cybersecurity in Sanità e PA: i servizi cloud di Jamio openwork certificati da ACN


Il Documento Digitale 2024: Jamio openwork tra gli sponsor del convegno organizzato da SOIEL International


La collaborazione tra Aruba & Openwork raccontata dai partner dell’informazione sul mondo ICT

Blog Digital Innovation News

Short master sul no-code all’Università di Torino, si parte a maggio. Tutti i dettagli per iscriversi

Blog News

Behind the scenes of Jamio openwork and beyond. Follow the Instagram page


"Elastic technology that makes business processes flow." Aruba Enterprise presents Openwork


Partnership between Experis Italy (ManpowerGroup) and Openwork: the no-code approach in offering IT solutions and professionals


Openwork at Community Summit 2023 dedicated to Aruba business partners


Mecspe Bari: Openwork at international manufacturing fair to talk about innovation technologies


From idea to solution
that works in 2 weeks


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The difference is in how I get to the result. Discover the benefits of no-code application development for your Business.